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Regions Mobile App

What's the story?

This is a purely a pet project I worked on because of my personal annoyance with the experience in the Regions Bank App.

Problem Statement

The Regions Bank App has been lacking for a better word for as long as I can remember. It can be super slow and randomly crash. Navigating around is clunky and involves more steps than are really necessary. And generally, it has a pretty outdated feel to it. For this pet project of mine however, I focused specifically on the transfers experience since it is an irritatingly long process just to transfer money across accounts.


Updated login and welcome screen
Cleaned up the old login screen for a more streamlined look. I also implemented a short welcome message after the user logs in that makes the experience feel more personalized and welcoming.

Available Balanace Indicator for Transfers
Something that gives me a fair bit of anxiety is overdrafting any accounts. Currently, I have to check the available balance for the account I want to transfer from rather than being able to see it at a glance when I'm on the transfer screen. I brought in the ability to quickly see what balance there is in an account so you can see how what you're transfering affects the available balance.

Confirmation messages
Continuing the theme of showing the affect on the available balance in the accounts, I implemented the amount added and subtracted from the accounts the user is transferring money from. This brings a quick visual indicator for users scanning to double check their transfer before they confirm.

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